Samstag, 18. Januar 2014

The Pechakucha project- post mortem to a great experience

As already introduced in my recent blog post this year’s Pechakucha was about English neologisms in Italian and vice versa. I worked together with Flavius Leahu and we met several times in order to render the presentation as terrific as possible. Fun did not miss out on this occasion as we also had great time preparing it. This contributed to make our dialog more interesting, informative, but also funny and entertaining. The recording of the dialogue turned out to be fairly tough as we wanted to avoid mistakes of all kinds to produce a presentable audio file, free from erred pronunciation or even laughter. Therefore, it required numerous attempts until eventually we got the final version right. On presentation’s day I was slightly nervous as I hoped to perform my part as good as possible having experienced some troubles during the rehearsals when switching from Italian accent to the English sometimes from one word to another. I really had to give proof of how eloquent I could be if I had to on this occasion and to me the Pechakucha seemed the ideal stage. Another concerning aspect was acting as it was essential for the kind of texts to put on a show as if we were discussing, debating and interacting with each other. Altogether, the final outcome was really satisfactory in my opinion. I was especially pleased by the fact that the presentation was perceived positive among the enthusiastic audience. Therefore it added to my joyful sensation of having accomplished something entertaining. Reflecting on what ideas other presenters came up with and how they were presenting them I honestly have to say that was somewhat impressed by the quality work almost everyone showed. The topics were interesting and one could really discern the amount of effort that went into them. The presentations which seem so easy are often the product of diligent preparation and I am sure this was true for many of them. Apart from this I was overwhelmed by the massive creativity. I could witness all forms raging from a presentation entirely documented on video until speeches delivered enormously free and with excellent acting quality. As a conclusion I will think of the Peckachucha project as a very entertaining and informative form of presenting. I am looking forward to future presentations of this kind even if it will mean to devote many hours to the project. It is always worth the work

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