Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

Camera Lucida instructions

As we thoroughly considered the quality of the set of instructions, we found it lacks some vital points. First of all, a list of materials is missing. It is not very helpful if the items needed for the camera lucida have to be guessed from the text. The next critic regards the order of the instructions. Numbers for each step would have definitely been useful. The author seemed to have taken for granted a lot of things as he wrote the instructions. Not only did he choose to put the images without referring to what exact part of camera lucida was meant, nor did he establish a clear link between the paragraphs and the visual information. We agreed that if we were asked to build a camera lucida resorting only to this very set of instructions we would definitely end up with a bad result. We recommend to tackle these problems in order to render  it  a more structured, comprehensible and therefore useful instruction.

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